Monday, March 29, 2010

Cute Bunny Vid

you must see!!

From mochimochiland, has amazing knitting mini patterns, check that site out!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Cool VIdeo and stuff~

a very nice stop motion video, im sure everyone will enjoy watching it.
Source: Craftzine

Also a new blog post with this wonderful pattern, very lacy yet very open, great for the coming summer!

Important notice for Wednesday!

From Katie:
"Hey gang,

I had soooo much fun dying yarn last night! It is defiantly worth the endeavor if you've ever thought about trying to do it yourself. Knitty has a great step by step on how we did it. Thanks to everyone who came and made it so fun (and clean!).

We would like everyone to know that Katie will not be at knitting club this Wednesday 3/24 (unfortunately), BUT Heather (and maaaaybe Harrison?) will be there for sure and we hope to keep going on our knit-along project. They are looking great, I still have hope that we can get a PAIR by the end of the semester!

Reba Reader, long time club member, is putting together a pattern book for us for the end of the year. You may have heard about this book before, but now it's really time to send in your patterns. If you can type them up and send them in a file to the club, OR, that would be great!

We would love for any of your original project patterns to be submitted. Any awesome possum project you've worked on all semester or that everyone said ooOOOOoooo to would be really great too! If it is not an original pattern, just be sure to put the designer's name or where you found the pattern to give them credit. Make sure you include any changes you made to the pattern, and what needles, yarn, color, etc YOU used. We want to know about those. AND, if you can submit a picture too, that would be even better! We need all types of patterns and skill levels- knit OR crochet. :)"

Saturday, March 20, 2010


From Katie:
"Dear Knitting Club,

We will NOT be holding a regularly scheduled meeting this Monday, March 22nd. We are having a special yarn dying event off campus. If this is something you were wanting to participate in, but we just missed you at the meetings, email us. We are sorry for any inconvenience.

Though we are NOT meeting this Monday at 7:15, WE ARE MEETING on WEDNESDAY 3/24 at 7:15 pm at the normal place on the couches. We will continue one with out knit-along and hope that those who wanted to get started on it have. If you are a fast knitting, it's not too late to start! We can help you along at any step you're on. We wish you luck!"

Monday, March 15, 2010

Update for Wednesday

Hello all!
Tis Harrison, ze Secretary of BSU Knitting and Crocheting Club to give you an important announcement/update!

Heather's Knit-along/baby steps:
-Tonight we just started on the cuff and Katie noted that when she felted hers she would have wanted to knit it longer then the 3inch it said in the pattern so she suggests 3-6 inches for the cuff area before going to the heel. Heather would like everyone to be finished with the cuff and start on the heel during club on Wednesday or if your just starting, it's ok, we can still help you no matter what step you are on, but the group will be starting on the heel if you would like to work until then for Wednesday.

We are planning for Monday around 6:30pm-7pm ish around that time Katie will be having a carpool in order to get to her house for yarn dyeing, Kastrel and Jessie did offer their place for the Kool-aid Dyeing, but can fit about 7 people in the place, so Katie thought we should do it at her place, which could fit more, please email Katie if interested to RSVP.

For those who cannot make it, here are some links for you to read if you would like to try it yourself one day:

Dyed in the Wool

Dyeing with Kool-Aid, A howto

First Taste of Dyeing with Kool-Aid

Kool-Aid dye it baby!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Additional Reminder for TONIGHT!

"We've gotten the OK to sell our hats!

THIS Monday, March 1st, we will be selling our hats for the homeless (or just someone who needs a warm head). We will sell them from approximately 5:30- 9:00 PM in the Atrium where the knitting club had our winter sale. A table will be set up and hats will be sold for just $5 each! All of the proceeds will go to the American Red Cross in aid of Haiti. Any hats not sold will be given to a charity yet to be determined.

This will be in place of our Monday night club meeting, but bring your knitting and questions if you want to help us sell, and we'll just have club at the table. I hope to see you all stop by or sit with us to sell them!

These are super cute hats, so tell all your friends and buy one for yourself!"
From the email since it seems like a few didnt get it for some reason, so doing it now.
Hope people see this in time.
Katie is not feeling that great, so i will be taking place, hopefully it wont be just me..